Sunday, January 01, 2006

We live on front porches and swing life away,
We get by just fine here on minimum wage.
If love's a labour I'll slave till the end,
I won't cross these streets until you hold my hand.

The new year, 2006. (:

The past year hadn't exactly been a good year. I'd be lying if I say my results had been impressive. Truth is, I hadn't been working hard in my studies, and I've pretty much wasted the entire year away, just having fun outside. Family relationships hadn't worked out too well, but I'm grateful for that little peace that still exists in that little corner of the house. It's hard to pick up the pieces left over from the past, it's harder to chase back the old times.

The time with family, the time with old friends seemed to lessen a great deal all of a sudden.

So the new year has begun, and with it comes new resolutions. It seems that my whole life's been one huge mess, and I've decided it's time to set it right, or at least, clear whatever I can up.

My main priority is to start getting those darn As on my tests and examinations. Yes, I'm gonna study. Hard.
It's time to spend more time with my family, and forge closer relationships. I've no idea how I'm gonna acheive that but I'm gonna try.
To grow mature spiritually, to rise up and serve God, to be closer to Him than I've ever been.

Yes, those are the only resolution I've made and want to keep. Since this year's gonna be my O levels year, time's pretty short, so I've put my priority on these things, things that matter the most to be right now. It's time to buck up and hit the books, it's time to dive into deep seclusion to get those results up.

I'm having a headache, and I've a feeling the reason behind it is school. The pressure's settling in again, I hope I don't give in. I'm gonna pack my bag and dance my way to school tomorrow and I'll have a wide smile on my face and shout hooray.

Blimey. Time to get some sleep.

I'll show you mine if you show me yours first.
Let's compare scars and I'll tell you whose is worse.
Let unwrite these pages and replace them with our own words.


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